For Immediate Release
February 13, 2025
Contact: Eddie Treviño, Jr.
The Office of the Cameron County Judge has received numerous questions regarding the order calling for an incorporation election for Starbase. In an effort to provide additional information and clarity on some of the state statutes, some of these questions have been compiled.
• Does the Cameron County Judge have a choice on whether an election can be called?
No. Under Texas Local Government Code § 8.003, the Cameron County Judge is required to order an incorporation election when all the statutory requirements are met.
• Who can vote in the election to incorporate Starbase?
Only registered voters who live in the geographic boundaries of the petition to incorporate Starbase are eligible to vote per Texas Local Government Code § 8.002 and Texas Election Code § 11.001.
• Will an election for Starbase city officials also be held during the May general election?
Yes. The election for city officials will be held at the same time. Any registered voter who meets the qualification for candidacy set forth by the Texas Election Code, resides in the boundaries, and files an application at our office by the deadline of March 3, 2025, is eligible to run.
• If the vote passes, what does this mean?
If the vote passes, the Cameron County Judge is required to recognize Starbase as a Type C-Municipality. Starbase will have to follow all state and federal statutes that regulate municipalities such as electing officials, conducting open meetings, responding to public information requests, providing emergency and support services, etc.
• If Starbase becomes a municipality, would they be able to close the road and the beach whenever they want?
No. Under Texas Natural Resources Code § 61.132, Cameron County has the authority to temporarily close the beach to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.
• Is there a map showing the proposed boundaries of Starbase?