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Sports & Community Venue Tax

Local Government Code, Chapter 334 authorizes a county to undertake a venue project.  In the election held in November 2016, the voters approved the creation of a 2% Venue Tax and two projects to be funded with its proceeds:

  1. Isla Blanca Amphitheater
  2. South Texas Eco-Tourism Center

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For information about how to set up your payment account to pay the hotel venue tax, please click on the link below:

Cameron County Hotel Tax Payment Account Setup Information

**Localgov is a Cameron County-approved vendor for the collection of Hotel Venue Tax

Short-Term Rental (STR) Complaint Hotline

If you need to report a complaint or unauthorized short-term rental in your neighborhood, please call the Localgov STR Complaint Hotline at (877) 558-3266 or email Localgov handles complaints, tracks communications, and ensures the issue is addressed promptly in coordination with Cameron County, Texas.

Support & Resources

If you need technical support while registering on Localgov, please reach out to Localgov Customer Service at or call (877) 842-3037.

For Additional Information contact:
Ramiro Aleman
Director of Economic Development
1100 E. Monroe, Suite 105
1912 Historic Courthouse
Brownsville, TX 78520
(956) 544-0828

Annual Local Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) Report
Report Year: Fiscal year end – September 2023

Cameron County is authorized to collect 2% of qualified hotel revenues. *
*On South Padre Island the county collects 0.5% on qualified hotel revenues as SPI is limited to a total of 17.0%.

The fiscal year 2023-2024 ended in September 2024. Total Collected: $1,887,219

Oct-23 $128,964
Nov-23 $118,091
Dec-23 $125,085
Jan-24 $122,915
Feb-24 $128,163
Mar-24 $189,120
Apr-24 $144,163
May-24 $166,704
Jun-24 $217,716
Jul-24 $247,264
Aug-24 $170,546
Sep-24 $128,488
Total FY 2023-2024 $1,887,219