Christmas at the South Texas Ecotourism Center
Food, Music, Vendors, Crafts December 7th 6pm-9pm
Food, Music, Vendors, Crafts December 7th 6pm-9pm
Free Event 6:00pm-9:00pm
EVERYDAY EVENT! 9am-11am Bring your breakfast, or just yourself, and enjoy complementary Bird Friendly Shade Grown Coffee and enjoy the songs of the morning birds.
Come join us for lunch at STEC with Film and a Picnic every Tuesday from 11am to 1pm. Bring your lunch and enjoy the film and the Center. Free.
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Dr. Erin E. Easton is an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV). She has a BS in Biology from Indiana University and a MS and PhD in Oceanography from Florida State University. Dr. Easton’s Benthic Ecology and Evolution Lab at UTRGV explores the biodiversity and evolution of […]
EVERYDAY EVENT! 9am-11am Bring your breakfast, or just yourself, and enjoy complementary Bird Friendly Shade Grown Coffee and enjoy the songs of the morning birds.
Come join us for lunch at STEC with Film and a Picnic every Tuesday from 11am to 1pm. Bring your lunch and enjoy the film and the Center. Free.
Monday January 15th 9am-Noon, MLK Day of Service at the South Texas Ecotourism Center. Call (956) 772-0219 to Register to Volunteer.
Chery Brummett, a photographer, conservationist, and Texas Master Naturalist, actively contributes to monarch butterfly conservation through citizen science initiatives. Witnessing the lack of habitat for the monarch migration during the butterfly tagging season, Chery co- founded the Rio Grande Valley Pollinator Project with like-minded individuals to address habitat loss concerns. The project has heightened pollinator […]
Saturday February 24th, WINTER TEXAN APPECIATION PARTY! Free event. Movie Showing at 2pm "Deep in the Heart" with Free Popcorn and a Craft Activity
Schmidt Ocean Institute Ship-to-Shore Connection is a free, immersive learning experience. A “Virtual field trip” where learners are taken on a tour of the ship, main science deck, and dive of a coral reef. Attendees can directly engage with scientists and crew on board the R/V Falkor (too)’s. Watch Dr. Erin Easton's Dive to coral […]