Speaker: Andy Handcock- Environmental Art and Bird Boxes

Andy Hancock has been an artist using natural and recycled materials for 30 years and worked in 10 countries. His passions locally are the Art of building sandcastles with science, container home design and carving Texas hardwoods using a chainsaw. His larger pieces around the world use standing dead trees that are transformed from loved […]

Ed Meza “The South Texas Ecotourism Center”

STEC 501 W State Hwy 100, Laguna Vista, TX, United States

Edward Pro Meza graduated with a B.S.  from Texas A & M University in College Station in Wildlife & Fisheries Studies with a Minor in Museum Studies.  Meza has worked in museums for nearly 35 years   from the Red River to the Rio Grande River and also worked as City Manager for Port Isabel and […]

Speaker: Sofia Garza- Basic Identification of Common RGV animals using Tracks and Scat

“Sofia is a nature enthusiast from South Texas. She is an Environmental major at UTRGV who found an interest in interpretation during her Al Henry Internship with Resaca De La Palma Texas State Park. She is currently serving as a Community Volunteer Ambassador at Palo Alto National Historical Park. She is part of the 2023 […]

Speaker: Dr. Shari Wilcox- South Texas Ocelots

Dr. Sharon Wilcox serves as the Senior Texas Representative for the environmental nonprofit organization Defenders of Wildlife. She has dedicated her efforts to the study, conservation and restoration of the native wild cats that call the U.S.-Mexico borderlands home, including the jaguar, jaguarundi, and ocelot. She leads Defenders’ ocelot conservation program in the Rio Grande […]

Marilyn Lorenz- Butterflies of the Valley

Marilyn has been a Texas Master Naturalist since 2015 and is a regular nature guide leader at the South Padre Island Birding and Nature Center and does turtle patrols at Sea Turtle Inc. She has done many presentations in the Valley using her husband Chuck's photos and also writes articles for various local newspapers. She […]

Speaker: Javi Gonzalez- Christmas Bird Count (2023)

Javier Gonzalez grew up birding in the Rio Grande Valley and is the Naturalist Educator at the South Padre Island Birding Nature Center & Alligator Sanctuary.  He enjoys all things nature, but has a special interest in the birds of the Lower Laguna Madre and the Texas Gulf Coast. He has a passion for promoting […]

Speaker: Dr. Erin E. Easton- Coral communities of the South Pacific and Gulf of Mexico

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Dr. Erin E. Easton is an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV).  She has a BS in Biology from Indiana University and a MS and PhD in Oceanography from Florida State University. Dr. Easton’s Benthic Ecology and Evolution Lab at UTRGV explores the biodiversity and evolution of […]