
For Animal Control please call
(956) 247-3599

Online Report

To file a complaint online or report mosquito activity click the following link below.


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Vector Control

Conducting vector control surveillance allows public health officials to mitigate not only the nuisance aspect associated with mosquitos, but also the spread of vector-borne diseases, such as Zika, West Nile, Dengue, and Chikungunya.Cameron County Public Health’s Environmental Health Program duties include Trapping, Larvaciding, Adulticiding and Environmental Home Assessments. The program works  hard to eliminate mosquito populations to protect the community, but we also ask everyone to do their part.
These are the ways you can help our team:
  • Contact our office to allow our teams set up traps in your property
  • Drain all standing water from artificial containers such as bird baths, tires, flower pots, gutters
  • Maintain your property clean and mow your lawns regularly
  • Report property’s that pose a threat of mosquito breeding
  • Contact a local pest control company for recommendations on how to treat your property against mosquitoes
  • Visit your local store and purchase dunks, which can be placed in water to eliminate breeding sources

After trying these methods and you still have concerns, contact us to report high levels of mosquito activity using our Complaint Form or calling us at (956)247-3600.

Mission Statement: The mission of the Environmental Health Program is to protect, preserve and promote the health of citizens of Cameron County. To ensure a safe and healthy community, the Cameron County Environmental Health Program will responsibly serve the citizens of Cameron County with integrity and respect through a highly skilled and caring staff. The Department will strive for excellence and innovation in the provision of all its services and be accountable to the community, its representatives, and employees.

The Environmental Health Program consists of the following:

On-Site Sewage Facility (OSSF)

The OSSF is responsible for enforcing, authorizing, inspecting and investigating on-site sewage facilities, also for conducting a number of services, including:

  • Enforcing: All state and county guidelines dealing with on-site sewage facilities.

  • Authorizing: New, malfunctioning, and upgrades to any on-site sewage facilities.

  • Inspecting: All complaints received regarding an on-site sewage facility are done by our Designated Representatives. Investigations are done within 72 hours from receipt of complaints. If necessary follow up investigations are conducted within an allotted time frame. When an investigation results in non-compliance, cases are turned over to local justice of the peace to take necessary legal action.

General Sanitation

General Sanitation is responsible for enforcing, inspecting and investigating new subdivisions and any general sanitation issues. General Sanitation is responsible for conducting a number of services:

  • Enforcing: All State and County guidelines dealing with new subdivisions and any general sanitation issues.

  • Inspecting: New subdivisions are reviewed and verified for compliance of all State and County guidelines and are then submitted for approval by the Environmental Health Director.

  • Investigating: All complaints including, but not limited to, general sanitation issues, and possible bee eradication, are investigated. Investigations are done within 72 hours from receipt of complaint unless when dealing with a bee eradication issue which is done immediately. Notices are issued for compliance of all guidelines. If necessary, follow up investigations are conducted within in an allotted time frame. When investigation results in non-compliance, cases are turned over to local justice of the peace to take necessary legal action.

Eating & Drinking (Food Service)

We are excited to assist you in any way we can as you begin the process of operating a restaurant within Cameron County. Our department encourages business growth, as the creation of jobs in our community ultimately leads to an improved quality of life for our residents. For this reason, the Cameron County Public Health, Environmental Health Program has established a process to assist anyone in our community looking to open a food establishment business with hopes of earning your trust through the application process.

Eating and Drinking (Food Service) is responsible for enforcing, inspecting and investigating eating and drinking food service establishments. Food Service is responsible for conducting a number of services, including:

  • Enforcing: All state and county guidelines dealing with eating and drinking establishments/food service establishments.

  • Permits: New establishments/food service facilities.

  • Investigating: All food establishments are inspected two (2) times a year to assure that they are in compliance with all state and county guidelines regarding food service sanitation. All complaints received regarding food service sanitation issues are investigated within 72 hours from receipt of complaint. Notices are issued for compliance of all guidelines; if necessary, follow up investigations are conducted with in an allotted time frame. When investigation results in non-compliance, cases are turned over to local justice of the peace to take necessary legal action.

Please rest assured that our Health Inspectors are ready to assist and guide you through all the application requirements to make your business venture a possibility.

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Our Environmental Health office is conveniently located at:
1390 W. Expressway 83,
San Benito, Texas 78586

Please feel free to contact us or stop by our offices with any questions. Once again, I thank you for trusting us through this process and hope that we meet your needs.


In the following links, you will find the three types of applications:

  1. Permanent Food Establishment,
  2. Mobile Food Unit
  3. Temporary Food Unit.

Please browse through the forms and choose the application that best fits the type of business you are planning to operate. Once you decide what business you look to open, we encourage you to call (956) 247-3599 to request an appointment with one of our Health Inspectors

Animal Control

The Animal Control is responsible for enforcing, collecting, and controlling animals running at large. Animal Control is responsible for conducting a number of services:

  • Enforcing: All state and county guidelines dealing with animal control issues are enforced.

  • Collecting: All unwanted animals located within the areas of rural Cameron County are collected. Animal Control Officers receive calls form citizens requesting assistance on removing unwanted animals from their property. Officers are limited to assisting on only domestic animals such as dogs and cats. Calls involving larger animals are assessed by Environmental Health Director and a decision is made.

  • Controlling/Patrolling: Officers patrol areas that have problems with stray/loose dogs and cats and provide notice to the citizens advising them of the importance of complying with all state and county guidelines.

  • Inspecting/Investigating: Animal Control Officers investigate all complaints received regarding domestic pets; if necessary notice is issued for compliance of all guidelines. Incidents involving animal bites are investigated and animals are quarantined as required by state and county guidelines.


* Notice is issued for compliance of all guidelines; if necessary, follow up investigations/inspections are conducted within an allotted time frame. When an investigation/inspection results in non-compliance, cases are turned over to local justice of the peace to take necessary legal action.

For Animal Control pleas call (956) 247-3599