
Employee Spotlight – Alma S. Garcia, Billing Specialist

Alma has been with our department for 45 years and currently is the Cameron County Public Health employee with most tenure. Alma has served in several roles throughout her tenure with the latest being the official title of Billing Specialist. I say “official” because she also carries the unofficial title as the exceptional receptionist for the department’s Administrative Office. 

Alma has gained that recognition for being known by anyone calling our office as the employee who will joyfully help you with what you need or get you to the person, department or even outside entity that will be able to help you. She always goes above and beyond to ensure you don’t leave without having a contact phone number or email where you will get the information you are looking for. Needless to say, she makes every caller and visitor who comes in to our office feel valued while at the same time portraying with every single interaction the epitome of a true public servant.

“I like my job. I like helping people and I get to sleep good at night knowing I was able to help someone!”

Alma doesn’t just have this kind of impact with outside callers and visitors, she effortlessly also impacts the staff in the office who are greeted by her every morning making sure you don’t pass her by without hearing her say “Good Morning, have a blessed day!”. Such small gesture to most is just what you need to set the tone for the start of your workday. When she was asked what the key is to staying engaged and motivated in a job after 45 years of service, her answer was “I like my job. I like helping people and I get to sleep good at night knowing I was able to help someone in my day!”

At CCPH demonstrating respect, fairness and courtesy in everything we do from our dealings with both the public and our fellow coworkers is essential. Respect for human dignity and the value of every person is one of the pillars of our department. Alma is the best exemplification of these principles and her legacy in CCPH will be the positive impact she has made on others through the voice on the other side of the phone and her presence on those around her.

Beyond the general expectation that public entities only provide certain services, public service matters for so many other reasons and regardless of where your passion lies, when you love what you do you, you will certainly never work a day in your life.

