As defined in Section 2054.5192 of the Texas Government Code, HHS shall require any Contractor with direct access into a state computer system or database to complete a cybersecurity training program certified by the Department of Information Resources (DIR). This pertains to contracts and renewals executed on, or after, September 1, 2022. “Contractor” is defined to include any officer, employee, or subcontractor. Contractors meeting this criterion must certify that such employees, officers, and subcontractors have completed a DIR-certified cybersecurity training program. To acknowledge compliance with this requirement, the Contractor must complete an HHS Form 3834 – Written Acknowledgement of Completion of Cybersecurity Training ProgramRequired Steps to Achieve Compliance:
Select an option from the DIR List of Certified Training Programs. DIR does not provide the training and cannot provide recommendations. Please do not contact DIR with questions.
Have all officers, employees, and subcontractors with direct access into a state computer system or database complete a certified cybersecurity training program.
After completing steps one and two, complete and return the HHS Form 3834 to me with a cc to Janete Olague no later than March 1, 2023. You are not required to provide training certificates, only the HHS Form 3834.
Contractors with more than one HHS contract should submit one HHS Form 3834 for each Texas Identification Number (TIN).
Helpful References