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Property Taxes Reports & Data

Tax Rolls

Property Tax files are provided as a Comma Delimited Files (.csv). These data files are refreshed once weekly. Tax records change throughout the day. Account Search provides real-time data online to reflect recent changes to individual records. Additional property information is also available from the Cameron Appraisal District

Monthly Tax Current Year and Prior Year Delinquent, CSV This file is provided in compressed .zip format due to its size. To decompress it, right click the downloaded file and select “extract all” (PC) or double click the downloaded file (MAC).

Weekly Tax Current Year and Prior Year Delinquent, CSV This file is provided in compressed .zip format due to its size. To decompress it, right click the downloaded file and select “extract all” (PC) or double click the downloaded file (MAC).

Tax Current Year and Prior Year Delinquent Summary, XLSX This file is provided in excel format within a compressed .zip file and contains a SUMMARY of Current Year and Prior Year Delinquent taxes. To decompress it, right click the downloaded file and select “extract all” (PC) or double click the downloaded file (MAC).

Table Definitions

Temporary and Intermittent Road Delay of a Portion of State Hwy 4 for Thursday, April 25, 2024, between 12:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. with back update of Friday, April 26, 2024, between 12:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.