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Mission Statment

“We Come as Many, but Stand Tall as One,
United Together to Serve with Pride”

The Cameron County Sheriff’s Office, in partnership with our citizens, will enforce state laws, deter criminal activity, protect life and property, maintain order, and operate a safe and secure constitutional jail system.

Through innovative leadership and our dedication to providing quality services, the Cameron county Sheriff’s Office will maximize the use of its resources to provide the highest quality service which will aid in improving the qualityof life for the citizens, businesses, and visitors of Cameron County .

Our office is also dedicated to providing a caring and supportive environment for our employees because they are the backbone of the system and have a need for continued growth and development through education and training.Each employee will have opportunities for career development, professional growth, and a challenging work environment.

Employees will be provided the same concern, respect and caring attitude, within the Office, that they are expected to share when contacting the citizens of Cameron County .