
Elections Archives

Unofficial until canvassed

Summary Resumen

Precinto por Precinto

CITY OF HARLINGEN (Updated: 12-10-2024)

Live Results(Live Results)

GENERAL ELECTION (Updated: 11-01-2024)

CITY OF HARLINGEN (Updated: 11-01-2024)

BROWNSVILLE ISD (Updated: 11-01-2024)

CITY OF SAN BENITO (Updated: 11-01-2024)

LA FERIA ISD (Updated: 11-01-2024)

CITY OF PRIMERA (Updated: 11-01-2024)

CITY OF LOS FRESNOS (Updated: 11-01-2024)

SANTA MARIA ISD (Updated: 11-01-2024)

CITY OF INDIAN LAKE (Updated: 11-01-2024)

CITY OF SANTA ROSA (Updated: 11-01-2024)

Live Results(Live Results)

Official Reconcilation Report (Updated:03-12-2024)

Election Night Results (Updated:5-04-2024)

City of South Padre Island (Updated: 01-30-2024)

November 7, 2023 Special Joint Election (PDF download)

Constitutional Amendment (Updated: 11-03-2023)

Brownsville ISD (Updated: 11-03-2023)

Point Isabel ISD (Updated: 11-03-2023)

Los Fresnos CISD (Updated: 11-03-2023)

City of South Padre Island (Updated: 11-03-2023)

City of Los Fresnos (Updated: 11-03-2023)

City of Santa Rosa (Updated: 11-03-2023)

City of Brownsville Runoff (Updated: 06-13-2023)

May 6, 2023 Elections (Live Results)

May 6, 2023 Elections (PDF download)

City of Brownsville (Updated: 05-15-2023)

Port Isabel/San Benito Navigation District (Updated: 05-15-2023)

Harlingen CISD (Updated: 05-15-2023)

San Benito CISD (Updated: 05-15-2023)

City of San Benito (Updated: 05-15-2023)

Point Isabel ISD (Updated: 05-15-2023)

Rio Hondo ISD (Updated: 05-15-2023)

City of La Feria (Updated: 05-15-2023)

Santa Rosa ISD (Updated: 05-15-2023)

City of Combes (Updated: 05-15-2023)

City of Los Indios (Updated: 05-15-2023)

City of Brownsville (Updated: 05-15-2023)

Port Isabel/San Benito Navigation District (Updated: 05-15-2023)

Harlingen CISD (Updated: 05-15-2023)

San Benito CISD (Updated: 05-15-2023)

City of San Benito (Updated: 05-15-2023)

Point Isabel ISD (Updated: 05-15-2023)

Rio Hondo ISD (Updated: 05-15-2023)

City of La Feria (Updated: 05-15-2023)

Santa Rosa ISD (Updated: 05-15-2023)

City of Combes (Updated: 05-15-2023)

City of Los Indios (Updated: 05-15-2023)

City of Brownsville (Updated: 05-06-2023)

Port Isabel/San Benito Navigation District (Updated: 05-06-2023)

Harlingen CISD (Updated: 05-06-2023)

San Benito CISD (Updated: 05-06-2023)

City of San Benito (Updated: 05-06-2023)

Point Isabel ISD (Updated: 05-06-2023)

Rio Hondo ISD (Updated: 05-06-2023)

City of La Feria (Updated: 05-06-2023)

Santa Rosa ISD (Updated: 05-06-2023)

City of Combes (Updated: 05-06-2023)

City of Los Indios (Updated: 05-06-2023)

City of Brownsville (Updated: 05-02-2023)

Port Isabel/San Benito Navigation District (Updated: 05-02-2023)

Harlingen CISD (Updated: 05-02-2023)

San Benito CISD (Updated: 05-02-2023)

City of San Benito (Updated: 05-02-2023)

Point Isabel ISD (Updated: 05-02-2023)

Rio Hondo ISD (Updated: 05-02-2023)

City of La Feria (Updated: 05-02-2023)

Santa Rosa ISD (Updated: 05-02-2023)

City of Combes (Updated: 05-02-2023)

City of Los Indios (Updated: 05-02-2023)

November 8, 2022 General Elections (Updated: 11-08-2022 10:50pm)

Congressional District 34 Special Election (Updated: 06-10-2022)

City of Harlingen (Updated: 06-10-2022)

City of Santa Rosa (Updated: 06-10-2022)

City of Port Isabel (Updated: 06-10-2022)

Cameron County - County Wide (Updated: 05-03-2022)

Harlingen CISD (Updated: 05-03-2022)

City of Harlingen (Updated: 05-03-2022)

Point Isabel ISD (Updated: 05-03-2022)

Cameron County Drainage Dist Number 6 (Updated: 05-03-2022)

City of Rio Hondo (Updated: 05-03-2022)

Santa Rosa ISD (Updated: 05-03-2022)

City of Santa Rosa (Updated: 05-03-2022)

City of Port Isabel (Updated: 05-03-2022)

City of Los Indios (Updated: 05-03-2022)

City of Primera (Updated: 05-03-2022)

City of Combes (Updated: 05-03-2022)

Laguna Madre Water District proposition a for Long Island Village defined area (Updated: 05-03-2022)

Cameron County Drainage Dist Number 5 (Updated: 05-03-2022)

Information not yet available.

Ballot lookup by precinct

Buscar la boleta por precinto

Democratic Primary Runoff Election

Elección Primaria Decisiva del Partido Democratico

Ballot lookup by precinct

Buscar la boleta por precinto

Republican Primary Runoff Election

Elección Primaria Decisiva del Partido Republicano

Ballot lookup by precinct

Buscar la boleta por precinto

Democratic Primary Election

Democrático Elección primaria

Ballot lookup by precinct

Buscar la boleta por precinto

Republican Primary Election

Republicano Elección primaria


Cameron County, Texas

Condado de Cameron, Texas

Lookup your ballot by selecting your precinct.

Buscar la boleta por precinto

Constitutional Amendment Election

Elección sobre Enmiendas a la Constitución

Lookup your ballot by selecting your precinct.

Buscar la boleta por precinto

Cameron County Assistance District

Distrito de Asistencia del Condado de Cameron

Bond Election

Elección de Bonos

Lookup your ballot by selecting your precinct.

Buscar la boleta por precinto

Santa Maria ISD

Santa Maria ISD

Online Map with Polling Location

Please note polling locations are subject to change due to availability. List will be updated as necessary.

Tenga en cuenta que los lugares de votación están sujetos a cambios dependiendo de la disponibilidad. La lista se actualizará según sea necesario.

Early Voting Locations
April 22-30 2019

Localizaciones de Votación Temprana
22-30 de Abril 2019

Location open times may vary depending on date.
Locación abierta los horarios pueden variar dependiendo de la fecha.

Election Day Locations
May 4th 2019

Localizaciones de Día de Elección
4 de Mayo 2019

Locations are open from 7a.m. to 7p.m. on Election Day.
Las Ubicaciones Están Abiertas de 7 am a 7 pm

Ballot lookup by name.

Buscar la boleta por nombre

(Instructions) (Instrucciones)

Ballot lookup by precinct

Buscar la boleta por precinto

City of Brownsville

Ciudad de Brownsville

City of Rio Hondo

Ciudad de Rio Hondo

City of La Feria

Ciudad de La Feria

City of Port Isabel

Ciudad de Port Isabel

Point Isabel ISD

Point Isabel ISD

Rio Hondo ISD

Rio Hondo ISD

Election Day Locations

Ubicación del día de las elecciones

Early Voting Locations

Localizaciones de Votación Temprana

Election Day Locations

Ubicación del día de las elecciones

Early Voting Locations

Localizaciones de Votación Temprana

Election Day Locations

Ubicacion del dia de las elecciones

Early Voting Locations

Localizaciones de Votación Temprana