New Voter Registration Certificates
Please be advised that there have been changes to the Jurisdictional and Precinct Boundaries.
If you have any questions contact our office or review our maps page.

1. VUID – This is your 10-digit statewide Voter Unique Identification Number issued by the Secretary of State’s office. This number remains the same as long as you are a registered voter in the State of Texas, regardless of the County in which you reside, or if you move from one County in Texas to another.
2. Precinct No. – Your voting precinct is based upon your residence address.
3. Upon expiration, new certificates are automatically mailed to voters with active registrations.
4. Residence Address – Your name and address of residence as provided when you registered to vote. Your voting precinct and districts are based upon this address.
5. Please sign your certificate upon receipt.
6. When voting in a primary election, you must state the party you would like to receive a ballot from. Your selection will then be indicated in this space. This also helps ensure you will receive a ballot from the same party should a runoff election be required. If you did not vote in the initial primary, but would like to vote in a subsequent runoff, you will be able to make your party selection at that time.
7. These are the districts in which you reside:
- CONG = United States Representative, District 34
- SEN = State Senate
- SREP = State House Representative
- COMM = County Commissioner Precinct
- J P = Justice of the Peace Precinct and Constable Precinct
- CITY = City
- SCHL = School District
8. Mailing Address – Address provided by you to our office indicating where you wish to receive your mail. This address is not used in determining your precincts or in which races you will be eligible to vote.