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Welcome to the Cameron County

Department of Transportation.

Our department includes several divisions that collectively work together in managing the efficient implementation of all planning, design, and construction of the roads, bridges, and development within the county. The Department also oversees all mapping, residential and commercial permitting, land development, and engineering.


To ensure, first and foremost, the continued health and safety of all Cameron County residents through efficient and effective building inspection services.

Vision: To continue providing building inspection and site development review services for all private and public development within the unincorporated areas of Cameron County . One of the primary responsibilities of the Building Permits Division is enforcement of current building codes, to include all safety issues. Other division duties are processing and issuing permits for residential and commercial construction as it pertains to mechanical, plumbing and electrical installations. The division will continue to perform building code enforcement including procedures and notices of any occurring violations. To continue improving the quality of service to the public today, tomorrow and in the future.

1390 West Expressway 83
Ph: (956) 247-3500 | Fax: (956) 361-8278


Our mission is to serve and protect the public from potential health risks and environmental hazards by ensuring that new developments in Cameron County possess adequate water supply, sewerage disposal, access, and drainage and that their design meets established standards.

Vision: Our vision is to continue to review and approve plats, plans, and specifications while simultaneously enforcing Chapter 232 of the Texas Local Government Code, the Model Subdivision Rules as adopted by the Texas Water Development Board, and the Subdivision Rules and Regulations as adopted by Cameron County. The division will continue to inform the public regarding the subdivision process in order to prevent them from buying illegally subdivided lots.

  • Subdivision Duties

  • Recorded Subdivisions

  • Illegal Subdivisions

  • Rules and Regulations

  • Subdivision Review Process & Approval

  • Subdivision Review Checklist

  • Recent Subdivision Status

  • Warning to Buyers

  • Subdividing FAQ

  • Registered Surveyors in Cameron County

  • Registered Engineering Firms in Cameron County

  • Recent Subdivision Law Changes

  • Construction Inspection

1390 West Expressway 83 | San Benito, TX 78586
Ph:(956) 247-3500 | Fax (956) 361-8278

To provide professional surveying and engineering services to all the divisions within the Department of Transportation. To promote a safe environment for the public by enforcing development and subdivision standards, drainage guidelines and maintaining the county road system.

Vision: To continue to enforce development and subdivision standards, drainage guidelines and maintaining the county road system. Provide professional surveys and designs for County road reconstruction and other development Cameron County projects. Provide general information regarding roads, developments and subdivisions.

Engineering Division
1390 W. Expressway 83 | San Benito, TX 78586
Ph: (956) 247-3500 | Fax: (956)361-8278

Our Mission: Mapping a county of more than 1,100 sq. miles is a never ending process, partly due to the changes in road surface conditions and the increase of new construction throughout the county.

Mapping Services: The GIS department also provides mapping services to the public and other county departments. Map printing services for:

1390 W. Expressway 83 | San Benito , TX 78586
(956) 247-3500 office phone | (956) 361-8226 fax

Our mission is to provide the citizens of Cameron County with professional service at its highest level.

Vision: The Right of Way Division will continue to provide its support and services to all divisions within the Department of Transportation and other County departments as needed. Provide private and public entities as well as the general public with a sense of making them feel comfortable when contacting us. Continue to assist everyone in matters dealing with the right of way acquisition for the widening and improvement of existing roads throughout Cameron County, including the abandonment of roads, the opening of roads, road name changes and research of dedication of roads within the unincorporated areas in Cameron County. Also, provide and assist the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and/or other entities with the right of way acquisition for roadways to be assigned to TxDOT, for future construction, maintenance and/or operations by TxDOT, including bridge replacement projects.

1390 W. Expressway 83 | San Benito , TX 78586
(956) 247-3500 office phone | (956) 361-8226 fax

Cameron County, recognizing the significant emotional and economic impact of the 98,000+ traffic crashes and 350+ fatalities within the County over the last decade, has made a commitment to the Vision Zero goal. On August 23rd 2022 the Cameron County Commissioners Court adopted the goal of eliminating traffic fatalities and severe injuries on County Roadways by the year 2050. Through this resolution, Resolution 2022 R08073, the Commissioners Court directed the Cameron County Department of Transportation and County staff to consider safety the highest priority for County roadways.

Cameron County Safety Action Plan

Development Building Guide 1 Page 001
Building & Development Guide
Comprehensive rules and regulations for developing land and building structures in the unincorporated areas of Cameron County.
The County’s online portal for submitting and tracking building permit applications, inspections, platting applications, and payment processing.
Cameron County Development And Building Brochure Page 01
Development & Building Brochure

Summary and guide of the County’s rules and regulations for development and building.

Departmental Guidance & Forms
CivicAccessUserGuide 2021 Page 01 4

Benjamin L. Worsham, P.E.
County Engineer, Director
1390 W. Expressway 83
San Benito, TX 78586
(956) 247-3500

Anthony Cantu, P.E.
Assistant County Engineer

1390 W. Expressway 83
San Benito, TX 78586
(956) 247-3500

Christine Reyes
Assistant to the County Engineer
1390 W. Expressway 83
San Benito, TX 78586
(956) 247-3500

Albert Molina
Planner – Development
1390 W. Expressway 83
San Benito, TX 78586
(956) 247-3500

Rolando Gonzalez
Building Official
1390 W. Expressway 83
San Benito, TX 78586
(956) 247-3500

Steven Perez
GIS Coordinator
1390 W. Expressway 83
San Benito, TX 78586
(956) 247-3534

Related Divisions
Fleet Maintenance
Ph: (956) 247-3535
Public Works (Precinct 1)
Phone: 956-574-8171
Public Works (Precinct 2)
Phone: 956-574-8175
Public Works (Precinct 3)
Phone: 956-361-8222
Public Works (Precinct 4)
Phone: 956-423-1878
Main Line: (956) 247-3500