County Treasurer,
Honorable David A. Betancourt, CIO
Duties of the Treasurer
The County Treasurer acts as the County’s banker, is the chief liaison between the County and the Depository Bank and is the County’s Investment Officer.
The Texas Constitution, Article XVI, Section 44, Local Government Code of the State of Texas, states in Chapter 83, Chapters 111-117 and Chapter 155 to provide for a County Treasurer and prescribe the duties of the County Treasurer as Chief Custodian of County Finance. The Cameron County Treasurer acts as the County’s banker and is the chief liaison between the County and the Depository Bank and is the County’s Investment Officer.
Basic duties include but are not limited to receiving, investing, paying, applying and by law disbursing all monies belonging to the County from whatever source derived. The County Treasurer preserves the system of checks and balances within the financial administration of county finances.
Duties of the Department
This include the maintenance and reconciliation of all checking accounts under the care of the County Treasurer as well as the disbursement of funds. The Treasurer provides monthly cash reports to Cameron County taxpayer’s assuring accuracy and safety of county funds. In addition, the Treasurer’s Office serves as the payroll processor for the county employees. Commissioner’s Court, Jury and Restitution checks are processed in the Treasurer’s Office.
Specific Duties
Banker of Cameron County Government working with Departments and public for receiving and disbursing funds, including general payment of County expenses, payments for Jury Duty, payments to Election Workers and County Payroll.
Investment Officer for Cameron County funds working with external brokers and banking community for highest and safest investment returns on Cameron County funds; insuring proper collateral for all Cameron County investments and funds; and proposes and oversees the Cameron County Investment Policy, in compliance with the Public Funds Investment Act of Texas.
Contract Administrator for the Cameron County Bank Depository, including negotiating of Contract and management of all facets of banking services for Cameron County.
Custodian of bail bond collateral.
The County Treasurer serves as Chairman of the Cameron County Investment Committee, as well as statutory member of the Cameron County Bail Bond Board.
Contact Information
Email: david.betancourt@co.cameron.tx.us
Jose Eduardo Melendez, Chief Deputy Treasurer
Email: Jose.Melendez01@co.cameron.tx.us
Email: edward.aguilar@co.cameron.tx.us (956)544-0819
Brownsville, Texas 78520
Fax: (956) 550-1323
Statutory Supervisor for Unclaimed Property for Cameron County valued at less than $100 unclaimed Funds List see attached list.
To search the Texas State Comptroller website for unclaimed funds click on the following link: State Comptroller Unclaimed Funds