Eddie Treviño, Jr. was sworn in as Cameron County Judge on November 23, 2016. With a passion for politics and civic engagement, he has played a leading role in local community decisions. Born and raised in Brownsville, Texas, Treviño has held various elected and non-elected positions, including City Commissioner from 2001 to 2003 and Mayor of Brownsville from 2003 to 2007. In 2007, he was named Border Mayor of the Year by the United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce.
As Mayor, Treviño promoted the creation of the Veterans Park in honor of the veterans of Brownsville who sacrificed for the nation. The park hosts annual festivities and ceremonies to honor the fallen and living veterans. Treviño also sponsored the construction of a new state-of-the-art animal shelter in North Brownsville to provide services for local residents’ animals. He also pushed for the development of the Brownsville Historic Battlefield Hike and Bike Trail, which allows visitors to learn about the historic battles that took place in the area during the U.S.-Mexico War and connects to other historic sites in Brownsville.
Treviño was instrumental in the creation of the Brownsville Sports Park, which provides a safe and secure place for children to compete and enjoy outdoor activities. The park has hosted top state UIL soccer finals and other major sporting events. As County Judge, he chairs the Cameron County Commissioners Court, the governing body responsible for making policy decisions that guide county operations and ensure the efficient and effective delivery of government services to local residents and families.
Treviño has already made an impact in the economic development arena by leading efforts on the Commission to suspend the Freeport Tax program, which aims to attract long-term economic investments and business opportunities to grow the county and create jobs. In his first speech, he emphasized his goals of promoting projects, initiatives, and programs that will improve economic conditions and provide more opportunities for all county citizens. He has also worked to ensure that every student in South Texas has access to the pipeline from high school to a university, community college, or technical school. The teach-to-work philosophy being implemented in some school districts is one of his priorities.
In addition to his duties as County Judge, Treviño oversees the Cameron County Emergency Management Division and is a member of the Cameron County Juvenile Board. He has been actively involved in his community as a volunteer for the past 20 years, including roles with the United Way, mentoring students at local schools, serving as Rotary Chairman, serving on the Children’s Museum Board, the Veterans Park Committee, the Animal Shelter Advisory Board, the Tip of Texas Family Outreach, the Airport Advisory Board, the Brownsville Jaycees, and the Brownsville Economic Development Council. Treviño is a 1986 graduate of St. Mary’s University and the University of Texas School of Law, and has been practicing law since 1989. He has three children: Elyssa, Steven, and Emily, and is a parishioner at St. Mary’s Catholic Church.
Cameron County Courthouse
Oscar C. Dancy Building
1100 E. Monroe Street, Suite 218
Brownsville, TX 78520
Phone: (956) 544-0830
Fax: (956) 544-0801
For questions, please contact:
Alice Reyes, Executive Secretary
(956) 544-0830