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Commissioner Pct. 1, Sofia Benavides

PCT1 Sofia Benavides
Sofia C. Benavides
County Commissioner Pct. 1

Commissioner Benavides was born Sofia Estela Cornejo to Juan E. Cornejo and Esther Cavazos on December 28, 1950, in Brownsville, TX.  She attended Incarnate Word Academy until the 5th grade and finished her education in the Brownsville public school system.  Upon graduation in 1960, she started to work for the late County Judge Oscar C. Dancy.  She remained employed by Cameron County until 1981.  She was also employed at Texas Southmost College, as a driver education instructor with Benavides Driving School, and the Texas Department of Human Services-Food Stamp Division until September of 1990.

On September 24, 1990, she began her career with the U. S. Courts/Federal Probation Office as a Federal Probation Clerk.  She served in that capacity until she was appointed to serve the unexpired term of her late husband, Pedro “Pete” Benavides as Cameron County Commissioner Precinct 1.

She was sworn into office on November 20, 2006 and served as County Commissioner Precinct 1.  She ran for office in 2008 and was elected.  She began her term on January 1, 2009.

Commissioner Benavides and her late husband owned and operated the first commercial driving school in Brownsville and raised 5 children; Pedro Jr., Mary Esther, Jesus, Veronica and Gloria.  She is the proud grandmother of Michael Eli Mata and Sofia Alejandra Garcia.

Trash Bash 2024

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PickleBall Court Construction

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Cameron County Pedro “Pete” Benavides County Park Mountain Bike Trail


Cameron County Pedro “Pete” Benavides County Park Sports Equipment


Cameron County Amphitheater and Event Center

CCEC And Amphitheater Over Viewpic3

Debris Removal of the Paso Real Drainage Improvement Special Project

South Port Connector Road

South Port Connector Road

Paso Real Drainage Improvement Special Project Completion




SPI Causeway

SPI Causeway Shot Leaving

Cameron County Isla Blanca Park Gulfside Improvements D. J. Lerma Pavilion

2018 04 12 08.45.06 2 2018 04 12 08.59.57 1

Multipurpose Building & Amphitheater


E.K. Atwood County Park


Fast Lane Expansion


AHEC Ribbon Cutting


Magical Christmas


Turkey Giveaway


Health Fair


Blue Tie Affair 2024

IMG 1610 Scaled E1725909764710IMG 1607 Scaled E1725909780879IMG 1604 Scaled E1725909794216IMG 1597 Scaled E1725909805325IMG 1588 Scaled E1725909820417IMG 1580IMG 1578IMG 1572 Scaled E1725909835629IMG 1566IMG 1547

Easter 2024

IMG 0750IMG 0754IMG 0769IMG 1155IMG 1175IMG 1184IMG 1189IMG 0739

UTRGV Health Fair

IMG 1437IMG 1439IMG 1440IMG 1442IMG 1445IMG 1446IMG 1447IMG 1449

UTRGV Reef Honoring Gary Glick

IMG 7870IMG 7871IMG 7876IMG 7881IMG 7884 Scaled E1725910158592IMG 7887IMG 7893IMG 7895IMG 7904

VTX1 Ribbon Cutting

IMG 1913IMG 1915IMG 1920IMG 1925IMG 1929IMG 2658IMG 2660IMG 2671IMG 2681IMG 1899IMG 1902IMG 1909IMG 1911

SPI Gary Glick Benches

IMG 2405IMG 2411IMG 2416IMG 2419

SpaceX_PaddleBall Donation

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Jardin Water

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BenBriteElem.CarePartner 2DiadelosMuertos.2023

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Turkey Giveaway

TurkeyGiveaway3 2023 E1705009578454

TurkeyGiveway2 2023 E1705009626384

TurkeyGiveaway.2023 E1705009642203

Veterans Day Ceremony 2023

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IMG 2430IMG 2431IMG 2438

Operation Border Health Preparedness

IMG 1968IMG 1972IMG 1973IMG 1975IMG 1977IMG 1979IMG 1980IMG 1987IMG 1988 Scaled E1725908379736

Hurricane Beryl Preparations

IMG 1766 1IMG 1787 1IMG 1791 1IMG 1793 1IMG 1794 1IMG 2518 1IMG 2521 1IMG 2522 1IMG 2524 1IMG 2526 1

Hurricane Beryl Storm Effects

IMG 1811IMG 1812IMG 1813IMG 1816IMG 1819IMG 1820IMG 1825

SPI April 2024

IMG 1141IMG 1146IMG 1147IMG 1159IMG 1160IMG 1163IMG 1178IMG 1181IMG 1185

Boca Chica April 2024

IMG 1809IMG 1810IMG 1811 1

Veteran's Bridge Expansion

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I69 Groundbreaking for Improvements

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August 2, 2024

IMG 2167 Scaled E1725899195217IMG 2170 Scaled E1725899214532IMG 2172 Scaled E1725899229811IMG 2176IMG 2178IMG 2179IMG 2183IMG 2184IMG 2186IMG 2190IMG 2197


62f4feb1ac09ef3caef6e4a5f7d15c2fe46cf25ba317634da4b78f4c9d86368664e44000b5748dfb482a6a6ce855e4746b26c7e3b5e4bdee6ca41a6e2af2d3a076b61a2f09357aa2440aac3e733b3dcaf5f67e93fa5a5bb3adc72a9f9ea0a82e607e46159d5d9e4eb6fbae269d1115c2e49da1c5c7baee23a5c0605e5dd5b6c595528fe92d11d77af00397f64d5ebb76abe0bc2eb7aa1dbab455a0a9d057a81cCeff946041750fd4b8b19b79d06c0b9f28b5e5c44de3dbd2f561b523dd3fe85aDJI 0736 2DJI 0751DSC00050 2DSC00187DSC01581DSC09609DSC09679DSCF2234F7239841b1d0d5e52cb5297264863549e9c1dc79f24194311a755cae02312420


Cameron County Interactive Pct Map




PCT1 Patricia Matamoros
Patricia “Pati” Matamoros
Administrative Assistant
PCT1 Rosemary Aldrete Lee
Rosemary Aldretelee
Office Coordinator
Miguel “Mike’ Sanchez
Community Outreach Coordinator

Precinct 1 Office:

1100 E. Monroe Street
Brownsville, Texas 78520
Ph: (956) 574-8167
Fax: (956) 544-0820

Precinct 1 Public Works Warehouse:

2050 S. Browne Ave.,
Brownsville, Texas 78521
Ph: (956) 574-8171

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