Mission Statement
To provide administrative and case management support to the judicial system, effectively secure the integrity of court records, and serve the public in a professional, timely and efficient manner. We are dedicated to the fair and impartial administration of justice and shall consistently strive to accomplish our mission by ensuring that everyone within our organization and those who use it are afforded high quality service and treated in a professional, courteous and respectful manner.
Organization Goals
- Uphold integrity and public trust.
- Optimize the use of technology to enhance performance of the office and staff.
- Foster and maintain a healthy, innovative and collaborative work environment.
- Continually improve our service to the judiciary, private bar, external entities and the public.
- Constantly improve the level of knowledge and professionalism of staff.
- Success is linked to commitment, and we are committed to excellence.
Our Office Instills
- Exceptional internal and external customer service
- Accountability
- Transparency
- Integrity
- Effective teamwork environment
- Commitment
When we look to the future, we must remember what we have learned from the past. Vision is the ability to apply our knowledge and skills to the challenges of tomorrow.
When filing civil and criminal appellate documents at the District Clerk’s Office, we request that you please visit our information desk inside. One of our Appeal Clerks will be summoned to assist you. We appreciate the public’s cooperation in disseminating these instructions to any staff and/or couriers conducting business at our office on your behalf.
Our Appeals Clerks can also be contacted via email:
- Silvia Mata, silvia.mata@co.cameron.tx.us Criminal Appeals and Civil Appeals
For more appellate information, please visit the official site of the Thirteenth Court of Appeals.
District Clerks Announcements
Contact Us
Appeals Department | (956) 550-1748 |
Civil Department | (956) 544-0838 |
Criminal Department | (956) 544-0839 |
Bookkeeping / Collections/Excess Funds | (956) 574-8131 |
Jury Department | (956) 544-0842 |
Juvenile Department | (956) 247-8146 |
Child Support Department | (956) 544-0840 |
Passport Department | (956) 544-0886 |
Records Department | (956) 574-8130 |
Fax | (956) 544-0841 |
(956) 544-0839
Passport Questions
(956) 544-0886
Request Copies
(956) 574-8130
Francisco Monreal Jr., Chief Deputy
Alejandro Cuellar, Jury-Passport Manager
Beatriz Losoya, District Clerk Manager
Silvia Mata, Appeals Clerk/Court Assistant
Rosa Maria Ochoa, Civil Manager
Claudia Palacios, Criminal Manager
Norma Garcia, Court Clerks Manager
Stephanie Pineda, Juvenile Court Assistant
Cesar Rodriguez, Records Management Manager
Erika de la Torre, Bookkeeping Manager
Laura Perez-Reyes
Office of the District Clerk
Cameron County Courthouse
Judicial Building – 3rd Floor
974 E. Harrison St.
Brownsville Texas 78520
Death Penalty Qualified Attorneys
List of Currently Qualified Attorneys
Standards & Rules for Qualification of Attorneys for Appointment to Death Penalty Cases
Find more information regarding the Fifth Administration Judicial Region.
Pursuant to Supreme Court Order (Misc. Docket No. 12-9208) adopted on December 11, 2012, e-filing became mandatory in civil cases. Courts and clerks must not accept, file, docket any document filed by an attorney in a civil case (later adopted for Criminal cases as per Misc. Docket No. 16-003 as of June 6, 2016) that is not filed in compliance with this order. This order was granted after hearing the testimony revealing the benefits of e-filing was going to result in an increased efficiency for attorneys and litigants; reducing printing and mailing costs for attorneys and litigants; reducing storage costs for clerks and greater security of court documents in the event of disaster.
Excess Funds
Requests may be submitted to:
Erika de la Torre
Email: erika.delatorre@co.cameron.tx.us
Phone #: (956) 550-1479
District Clerk’s Office
974 East Harrison St.
Brownsville, TX 78520
Excess Funds Report Fee – $15.00 plus $0.10 any additional page.
- 1. Where are you located?
- The Cameron County District Clerk’s Office is located at:
Cameron County Courthouse
Judicial Building – 3rd Floor
974 E. Harrison St.
Brownsville Texas 78520
- 2. What do I have to do if my address changes during the court process?
If your address changes during the course of a civil action, you or your attorney must provide our office (the clerk of the court) with written notice of your new address. Please visit the “Forms” section on this website to access a copy of the “Notice of Current Address” template that you can use to notify the clerk: https://www.cameroncountytx.gov/cameron-county-district-clerk/forms
- 3. Where do I mail my child support payments?
- Texas State Disbursement Unit
P.O. Box 659791
San Antonio, Texas 78265
- 4. How do I address discriminatory provisions in real property records?
The Texas Legislature recently amended the Property Code to provide a streamlined procedure for addressing discriminatory provisions in real property records. Although state law already declared restrictions and provisions in real property records that prohibit the use, sale or transfer of real property to a person based on race, color, religion, or national origin to be void and unenforceable, Senate Bill 30, which took effect on September 1, 2021, establishes a process for a property owner, or another person that the owner authorizes, to request a judicial review of specific property records to determine whether they contain prohibited discriminatory provisions.
The bill sets out the contents of the documents required to be submitted to the court as well as a suggested format for the court’s findings and order. Under certain circumstances, the court may issue its determination without conducting a hearing. No filing fees may be charged under the statute.
To view the language of the bill and the format for filing with the court as well as the format for the court’s findings and order, use the link: 87(R) SB 30 – Enrolled version (texas.gov)
- 5. To whom do I make my check payable?
- Texas State Disbursement Unit
- 6. What method of payment does the State Disbursement Unit accept?
- The State Disbursement Unit accepts money orders, personal checks, cashier checks, and electronic transfers.
- 7. How do I file for child support?
- Our Child Support Division does not have the paperwork to establish child support. When an individual wants to establish child support, they can hire an attorney, ask the Attorney General for representation, or go to any law library to obtain information on how to prepare a petition for child support.
- 8. How do I file for a divorce and how can I obtain the documents through your office?
- Unfortunately, our office cannot assist you with the preparation of your documents. You are responsible for preparing the documents you wish to file. Once your documents have been completed, you may file them in person or by mail. Our physical location is Cameron County Courthouse, Judicial Building – 3rd Floor, 974 E. Harrison St., Brownsville Texas 78520. A divorce handbook can be downloaded from the Texas Young Lawyers Association Web Site at:
- 9. How much does it cost to file a family case (cause)?
- Filing fees vary depending on the type of action. Please refer to the fee schedule. The total fee is the sum of the applicable filing fee, the process/issuance fee (if applicable), and the service fee (if applicable):
- 10. Is there a number I can call to get case information?
- You can call (956) 544-0838 to request case information. Please have your case number ready. If you do not have a case number we may conduct a search which will require specific data such as names, type of case, filing dates, dates of birth, etc. A $5 fee will be assessed if a search is requested. A civil case summary/information can be accessed through our Case Public Access Link. This is a free online service that will allow you to conduct a search utilizing a case number, party and/or attorney information: Case Public Access Link
- 11. How can I obtain a copy of my case?
- You may obtain a copy of any portion of your case in person, by mail, or by email. If you request your copies in person you will receive your copies the same day unless the record is in storage, at which point we would require at least 24 hours to request the record. If you are requesting your copies via mail or email, please refer to our Copy Request Form on our “Purchase Copies” link for further instructions: Purchase Copies
- 12. How can I obtain a restraining/protective order?
- Unfortunately, our office cannot assist you with the preparation of your documents. You are responsible for preparing the documents you wish to file. Once you have your documents, you may file them in person or by mail. Our mailing address PO Box 87, Edinburg, Texas 78539. Our physical location is Cameron County Courthouse, Judicial Building – 3rd Floor, 974 E. Harrison St., Brownsville Texas 78520. A protective order packet downloaded from the Office of the Attorney General Web Site: Protective Order Kit
- 13. When will my case go to trial?
- Cases are scheduled for trial depending on the nature of the case. Nonetheless, you and your attorney will always receive notice by mail regarding a scheduled trial date. You can also check the status of your case/hearing by visiting the online Case Public Access Link
Copy Request Form
E-Notification – Hearings:
E-Notification Hearing Form
Petition for Order of Nondisclosure
Model Order of Nondisclosure
Order of Nondisclosure Overview
Order of Nondisclosure Overview – SPANISH
Instructions for Completing a Petition for Order of Nondisclosure
Instructions for Completing a Petition for Order of Nondisclosure – SPANISH
Texas Judicial Branch Orders of Non-Disclosure
Attorney Expense Claim Form
Application for Subpoena
Cover Letter Form
Record of Child Support
Registry Deposit
Registry Deposit for Minors
Vital Statistics VS-165
Pro Se Divorce Handbook
State Bar of Texas – For the Public
Texas Judicial Branch Rules and Forms
Texas Rural Legal Aid
Texas State Law Library
Texas Young Lawyers Association Pro Se Litigant Guide
Trial by jury is a fundamental principle of our system of justice and a citizen’s right to a trial by jury can be traced back to both the United States Constitution and the Texas Declaration of Independence. Although the right to a jury trial is considered a fundamental safeguard of each American’s constitutional liberties, the concept of a jury trial is hardly new, dating back to medieval England.
Your jury summons puts you in the center of this most basic right of all Americans. The United States and the State of Texas Constitutions guarantee a right to trial by jury for anyone accused of a crime, regardless of his or her race, religion, gender, national origin or economic status. Any time the facts of a civil or criminal case are in dispute, the parties have a right to have their case heard by a jury of fair and impartial citizens who will make decisions without bias or prejudice.
Medical Excuse:
If you want to request a temporary or permanent exemption due to medical reasons, please contact the Jury Administrator’s office at (956) 544-0842 to request an affidavit for medical exemption. This form will need to be completed, signed & notarized before submitting your request.
Click on the Link below to download a permanent exemption form for medical or age.
Juror Selection Process:
The process for selecting prospective jurors is mandated by state law. If you are a registered voter, have a Texas driver’s license or Texas personal identification card and you live in Cameron County, your name is entered in a computer system designed to randomly select prospective jurors.
When directed by the State District, County or Justice Courts of Cameron County, the District Clerk makes a random selection of names, which are retrieved as needed each month. Those selected for that month receive a summons which is mailed by the Jury Administrator of Cameron County.
Because this is a random selection system, and there is not an endless supply of potential jurors, it is quite possible that you will receive more than one jury summons while you live in Cameron County. Once you have served on a jury, your name will not be re-entered into the pool for three (3) years.
You can be exempted from jury duty in certain circumstances. These reasons for exemption do not disqualify you from serving — even though you may qualify for an exemption you can still serve on a jury.
But certain circumstances can impose considerable hardship for some people. If any of the following exemptions apply to you, the form on the back of the jury summons can be completed and mailed back to the Cameron County Jury Administrator’s Office.
- Is over 70 years of age;
- Has legal custody of a child younger than 12 years of age and the person’s service on the jury requires leaving the child without adequate supervision;
- Is a student of a public or private secondary school;
- Is a person enrolled and in actual attendance at an institution of higher education;
- Is an officer or an employee of the senate, the house of representatives, or any department, commission, board, office, or other agency in the legislative branch of state government;
- Is summoned for service in a county with a population of at least 200,000, unless that county uses a jury plan under Section 62.011 <https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/GetStatute.aspx?Code=GV&Value=62.011> and the period authorized under Section 62.011 <https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/GetStatute.aspx?Code=GV&Value=62.011> (b)(5) exceeds two years, and the person has served as a petit juror in the county during the 24-month period preceding the date the person is to appear for jury service;
- Is the primary caretaker of a person who is unable to care for himself or herself;
- Except as provided by Subsection (b), is summoned for service in a county with a population of at least 250,000 and the person has served as a petit juror in the county during the three-year period preceding the date the person is to appear for jury service; or
- Is a member of the United States military forces serving on active duty and deployed to a location away from the person’s home station and out of the person’s county of residence.
If you want to request a permanent exemption for being over the age of 70, please contact the Jury Administrator’s office at (956) 544-0842 to request an age exemption form.
Non-Allowable Exemptions:
There are several common reasons given for exemption requests which are not allowable:
- being the sole owner of a business
- have an employer who will not pay you for your jury service (although financial hardship caused by jury service may be considered).
Jury Duty and Your Job:
The law protects your job while you are fulfilling your jury duty and you cannot be fired for serving. Your employer is not, however, required to pay you for the time missed from work while on jury duty.
Travel Assistance:
If you do not have a vehicle or do not drive, or you are unable to drive because of a physical disability, you can contact the Brownsville Urban District (BUS) at (956) 548-6050.
Tips to Make Your Jury Service More Enjoyable:
Knowing where you are going and what to expect when you get there can make any experience more enjoyable, and jury service is no exception. Getting to your assigned location, and arriving prepared are not nearly as tough as you might think.
Come Prepared:
You must bring your jury summons with you when you report for jury duty. Please fill out and sign your summons prior to reporting.
In addition, you may want to bring something to do while you wait. Jury duty does involve some waiting, so a good book or handwork will help pass the time.
You may also want to bring money for snacks, drinks, and lunch. There is a break room handy for snacks during breaks.
Dress the Part:
You may be selected for and actually serve on a jury the day you are summoned, so it’s important that you dress appropriately. Jury service is serious business, and you should dress accordingly. Business attire is recommended.
Shorts, hats, tank tops and flip-flop sandals are not allowed. T-shirts with derogatory images or messages are also not considered appropriate. When in doubt, dress seriously but with comfort in mind. Jury service can involve a good deal of sitting.
What Your Jury Service Involves:
Once you have arrived at your assigned location, your jury service is underway. You’ll find that the system is set up to guide you along with clear instructions throughout the process. Whether you are selected for a jury or not, you will still be providing an essential part of the trial by jury system.
Where To Go Once You’ve Arrived at Your Assigned Location:
If you are reporting to the Cameron County Courthouse, your service starts in the Central Jury Room, located on the first floor.
Before you are allowed to enter, you will pass through a metal detector. Please remember that absolutely no weapons of any kind are allowed in the building.
If you are reporting to one of the Justice of the Peace Courts, your service starts in your assigned courtroom.
What To Expect:
About 20% of prospective jurors are selected for trials. If you are not selected for a jury, you can expect to be finished in about half a day. If you are selected, you will serve for one trial. Surprisingly, the average trial lasts only three (3) days.
If you are assigned to serve at the Cameron County Courthouse, please report to the Central Jury Room on the first floor, to the Juror Check-In-Desk.
If you are assigned to serve at one of our Justice of the Peace Courts, please report directly to the Justice Court, to check in with the clerk.
After checking in, prospective jurors will be given a brief orientation by the impaneling Judge. The impaneling Judge will give further instructions and hear possible exemptions and qualifications.
Prospective jurors are assigned to panels, smaller groups from which jurors are selected. The jurors are briefed by the judge and questioned by attorneys for both sides until the jurors who will hear the case are chosen. Once the jury has been selected, those on the panel who are not chosen are sent home.
Getting Paid for Jury Service:
Jurors are paid for their service. Each prospective juror sent to a court receives six dollars ($6) for the first day. If you are selected and serve on the actual jury panel, you will receive forty dollars ($40) per day beginning the second day of service and thereafter until the trial has concluded.
Payment is processed at the end of the jury service, and a check is mailed to each juror within six to eight weeks upon termination of your jury service.
You’ve Been Selected for a Jury — What Now?
Only 20% of those summoned to jury duty are ever chosen to serve on a jury, so there’s a good chance you’ll be released from your jury duty after just half a day.
If you are selected to serve, this will be an opportunity to see our justice system in action firsthand.
A Day in the Life of a Juror:
Each trial is as unique as the people involved, and there’s no way to predict how long the trial you are chosen for will last. A trial can last a day or take up to a week or more. They are seldom much longer.
During the trial, the judge will tell you what time you need to be in court each day and what time to expect each day to end. You will also be given a break for lunch.
Trials follow a set procedure which you may find familiar.
Opening Statement: Attorneys for each side may explain the case, outline any evidence they will present, and discuss the issues you will decide. This is usually a broad statement which sets the stage for witnesses and the details to follow.
Presentation of Evidence: Testimony of witnesses and exhibits are all evidence. Any exhibits will be available to the jury during their deliberations. Because you will be deciding the case based on the facts presented, it is very important to pay close attention to all evidence.
Rulings by the Judge: The judge may be asked to decide questions of law during the trial. He may ask jurors to leave the courtroom while lawyers make legal arguments. If this happens, understand that these issues must be decided so that proper evidence can be considered by the jury.
Instruction to the Jury: After all evidence has been presented, the judge may give the jury the Charge of the Court. This includes legal instructions about the case and the question the jury must answer.
Closing Arguments: This gives the lawyers an opportunity to summarize the evidence and to try to persuade the jury to accept their client’s view of the case.
Jury Deliberations and Decision: After hearing the closing arguments, the jury is sent to deliberate. During deliberations, members of the jury will decide how they will answer the questions presented in the Charge of Court and then return a final verdict.
Sequestered Juries:
Sequestered juries are very rare. Before you are assigned to such a jury, you will have an opportunity to discuss with the judge any problems this might create.
Still Have Questions?
If you still have questions about your summons or jury duty, please call the Cameron County Jury Administrator’s Office at (956) 544-0842. Or if you want to e-mail the Cameron County Jury Administrator’s Office you can e-mail any questions to ccjury@co.cameron.tx.us).
We understand you have questions, and we’ll do everything we can to make your jury service easy and as interesting as possible. We rely on our citizens to keep our justice system running, and we thank you in advance for the very important part you play.
Online Payments
*Start Page: cameroncountytxpay.com
*Court Fees and Fines: https://cameroncountytx.governmentwindow.com/misc.html?officeID=1486
*Registry/Trust: https://cameroncountytx.governmentwindow.com/misc.html?officeID=1497
Orders of Assignments
- Order of Assignment – 02/25/2022
- Order of Assignment – 03/11/2022
- Order of Assignment – 03/11/2022
- Order of Assignment – 03/22/2022
- Order of Assignment – 03/22/2022
Order of Assignment – 04/11/2022 - Order of Assignment – 04/14/2022
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- Order of Assignment – 05/23/2022
- Order of Assignment – 05/26/2022
- Order of Assignment – 06/2/2022
- Order of Assignment – 06/3/2022
- Order of Assignment – 06/08/2022
- Order of Assignment – 06/13/2022
- Order of Assignment – 06/16/2022
- Order of Assignment -6/22/2022
- Order of Assignment –6/27/2022
- Order of Assignment -6/30/2022
- Order of Assignment -7/08/2022
- Order of Assignment – 7/22/2022
- Order of Assignment – 8/04/2022
- Order of Assignment – 8/10/2022
- Order of Assignment – 8/11/2022
- Order of Assignment – 8/17/2022
- Order of Assignment – 8/18/2022
- Order of Assignment – 8/29/2022
- Order of Assignment – 9/7/2022
- Order of Assignment – 9/16/2022
- Order of Assignment – 9/19/2022
- Order of Assignment – 9/28/2022
- Order of Assignment – 10/11/2022
- Order of Assignment – 10/17/2022
- Order of Assignment – 11/14/2022
- Order of Assignment – 11/17/2022
- Order of Assignment – 12/09/2022
- Order of Assignment – 1/19/2023
- Order of Assignment – 1/26/2023
- Order of Assignment – 2/2/2023
- Order of Assignment – 2/2/2023
- Order of Assignment – 2/7/2023
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- Order of Assignment – 2/28/2023
- Order of Assignment – 3/2/2023
- Order of Assignment – 3/2/2023
- Order of Assignment – 3/2/2023 -Death Penalty
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- Order of Assignment – 3/23/2023
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- Order of Assignment – 4/10/2023
- Order of Assignment – 4/10/2023
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- Order of Assignment – 4/26/2023
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- Order of Assignment – 6/01/2023
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- Order of Assignment – 09/20/2023
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- Order of Assignment – 09/20/2023
- Order of Assignment – 09/20/2023
- Order of Assignment – 09/20/2023
- Order of Assignment – 09/20/2023
- Order of Assignment – 09/20/2023
- Order of Assignment – 09/20/2023
- Order of Assignment – 09/20/2023
- Order of Assignment – 09/20/2023
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- Order of Assignment – 07/22/2024
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- Order of Assignment – 12/09/2024
- Order of Assignment – 12/09/2024
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- Order of Assignment – 12/16/2024
- Order of Assignment – 12/17/2024
- Order of Assignment – 12/17/2024
- Order of Assignment – 12/17/2024
- Order of Assignment – 12/17/2024
- Order of Assignment – 01/10/2025
- Order of Assignment – 01/14/2025
- Order of Assignment – 01/23/2025
- Order of Assignment – 01/31/2025
- Order of Assignment – 02/12/2025
- Order of Assignment – 02/18/2025
- Order of Assignment – 02/21/2025
- Order of Assignment – 03/03/2025
- Order of Assignment – 03/10/2025
- Order of Assignment – 03/18/2025
Click to Expand
Click to Expand
Click to Expand
Click to Expand
Passport Services
Applicants must bring all required documentation and their completed and printed application, which can be downloaded from the US Department of State website at:
Applicants are advised, as per the US Department of State, unless an individual has a life-or-death emergency, applicants will experience delays before receiving their passport and the return of their citizenship documents. Expedited service has also been temporarily suspended due to the significantly reduced passport operations that were implemented as a result of the pandemic.
- Completed passport application (DS-11)
- Original birth certificate (long form)
- Valid driver’s license or government ID
- Passport photos (available on site)
- Check or money order for passport fees only ($35 execution fee paid separately)
process for minors under 16
- Completed passport application (DS-11)
- Original birth certificate (long form)
- Both parents have to be present with a valid identification
- Passport photos (available on site)
- Check or money order for passport fees only ($35 execution fee paid separately)
- If one parent or both cannot be present, fill out form DS3053-Statement of Consent: Issuance of U.S. Passport to a Child
- How Do I apply for a Passport?
- Informacion de pasaportes
- Where to Apply
- Check Application Status
- Passport News & Announcements
- Before You Go: A Traveler’s Checklist
- While Abroad
- Emergencies
Purchase Copies
To visit the Portal to Search Cases please visit our Kofile Site
*Open Records: https://cameroncountytx.governmentwindow.com/submit-form.html?class=open_records_request
Self Represented
As a Pro Se Litigant, you have decided to represent yourself in a case. This is a complicated process which will require time, work and effort. Please be informed, you will be expected to know and follow the law and court rules just as any attorney.
Below you will also find links to websites that may be helpful in this endeavor:
- Texas Law Help – This free guide offers civil legal information to Texans who cannot afford legal help.
- Texas Court Help – This website offers a variety of resources including a lawyer referral services link.
- State Bar of Texas – Provides a “Pro Se Divorce HandbooK” for individuals representing themselves in Family Court.
- Texas Young Lawyers Association – Provides Family Law resources on legal issues including how to obtain a Protective Order, Involuntary Commitment Procedures, Adoption Options and how to navigate the legal system after survyving domestic violence.
- Texas Courts Online – Provides self-help legal forms, publications and other court information.
- Texas Legal Services Center – A non-profit legal office which provides assistance and training to poverty law advocates and their clients in the areas of litigation support, education and communication.
- Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid, Inc. – a non-profit organization that provides free legal services to low-income residents in sixty-eight counties of Southwest Texas.
- Texas State Law Library – The Texas State Law Library serves the legal research needs of the Court of Criminal Appeals, Supreme Court, Office of the Attorney General, other state agencies and commissions and the citizens of the state. The website offers links to commonly requested .
- Cameron County Law Library – Provides access to information on legal research for the Judiciary, State, and County Officials, Members of the State and Local Bar Associates, and all Citizens of Cameron County with the best collection of law books and services available.
- Cameron County Bar Association – The HCBA is dedicated to increasing the community’s understanding and appreciation of the legal system.
- State Bar of Texas – The State Bar of Texas offers many different programs and services to help the public understand the legal system.
- American Bar Association – The American Bar provides law school accreditation, continuing legal education, information about the law, programs to assist lawyers and judges in their work, and initiatives to improve the legal system for the public.
- Office of Court Administration – The OCA is a state agency that provides resources and information for the efficient administration of the judicial branch of Texas.
- Office of Attorney General of Texas – The attorney general serves at the lawyer for the State of Texas and is charged to defend the laws and constitution of the state.
- Texas Advocacy Project – provides free legal services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault throughout the state of Texas.
- National Father’s Resource Center – At the NFRC you will find resource attorneys available, audio clips and other resources.