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FAA-hosted SpaceX Starship/Super Heavy Launch Vehicle Program at SpaceX Boca Chica Launch Site Upcoming Virtual Public Hearing Instructions

Please join the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for a public hearing on the Draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) for the SpaceX Starship/Super Heavy Launch Vehicle Program at the SpaceX Boca Chica Launch Site in Cameron County, Texas.

Please join the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for a public hearing on the Draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) for the SpaceX Starship/Super Heavy Launch Vehicle Program at the SpaceX Boca Chica Launch Site in Cameron County, Texas.

The FAA will provide a project overview in English and Spanish. Afterwards, members of the public can provide oral comments. The presentations will be posted on the project website after the public hearings:

If you cannot attend a public hearing, you can still provide a comment by emailing:

Please review the instructions, tips, and ground rules below in advance of the hearing. A court reporter will transcribe the hearings. A translator will be available to translate comments into Spanish. Comments received help the FAA develop the Final PEA.


  • Monday, October 18, 2021, 5:00 p.m. (Central Time)
  • Wednesday, October 20, 2021, 5:00 p.m. (Central Time)


Please register to attend a virtual public hearing and indicate if you would like to provide an oral comment:


  • Connect using the Zoom link below.
  • Password: FAA2021
  • Please only use the telephone number provided below if you are not going to connect using the Zoom Link.
  • 1-833-548-0276
  • Meeting ID: 883 9423 2774
  • Meeting Password: 4300505


  • Prior to the meeting, please access the Zoom link above and download any needed software. This may take a few minutes, so it is best to download software in advance of the meeting.
  • When logging-on to the meeting, please indicate your organization name in parentheses after your last name, if you represent one. If you registered to speak, this is how you will be identified during the meeting. Please also provide your email address.
  • All lines will be muted during the meeting.
  • To hear audio when connecting through the Zoom link, please make sure the volume on your computer speakers is on and that you do not have any programs with audio features (e.g., Skype, Spotify, YouTube) open that may interfere with the online meeting audio.


  • The meeting facilitator will call upon each speaker in the order in which the speaker registered. After all registered speakers, participants can raise their hand to provide oral comments.
  • When called upon, the speaker’s line will be unmuted.
  • When called upon, please state and spell out your full name for the court reporter and indicate if you are representing a group or organization.
  • A court reporter will transcribe oral comments for use in preparing the Final PEA. Please do not provide any personal information in your comments that you do not want to be made public.
  • Please speak slowly and clearly so that the court reporter can easily record your comments and so the translator can easily translate your comments.
  • Each speaker will be allotted three minutes to speak; when 30 seconds remain, the facilitator will let you know. When your time has elapsed, the facilitator will notify you, ask you to complete your comments, and then mute your line in preparation for the next speaker.  You do not have to speak for the full three minutes.
  • Out of respect for others who wish to provide comments, please honor the three-minute time allotment. If you think you will have more comments than you can present in the time allotted, make the most important comments first.
  • If you are not able to voice all your comments, you may also submit them in writing. If you have a written statement already prepared, you may read it aloud. This statement may also be submitted it as a written comment.
  • If you have registered to speak and are unable to attend the meeting, please email so we can remove you from the speaker list.

Thank you for your interest in the environmental review process. We look forward to hearing your comments.

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